The Lady Spikers and the Houston Rockets

What the heck is this? Why am I captioning the Houston Rockets in a UAAP La Salle volleyball game?

A couple of days ago, after game one of the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets playoff game this year, superstar guard James Harden, and his coach, Mike D’antoni, subtlety avoided suspensions and fines but nevertheless got their message accross. They got the raw end of the deal in officiating.

Afterwards, a slew of videos and analysis showed that they were right. James Harden’s quote was classic. “Just call the game fairly, and I will live with the results”.

Ohhhhhh there it is. Now you know where I’m leading to, right in the second paragraph. Hey, I saw the game live. And I have no doubt, we can also prove ourselves right with a slew of videos, just like the Rockets (good luck with the network though. Hahahaha).

As expected, the trolls have come out. Some criticizing a team member who implicated this topic on IG (taken down hence after the troll bashes). One has to understand that as a player, frustrations like these come out. It’s normal. Just ask Harden.

Others crticize the errors, the reception problems, the bench players not playing well, the referee hiding in his/her arms (no offense but I couldn’t see his/her face in the bleachers).

I am sure the community is down. The school management is down. But more importantly, the players are rock-bottom down.

But you know, after a game like this, after a loss like this, there are always a lot of lessons learned, emotions fixed, and most importantly, refocusing of goals.

First of all it starts with us. There was a post that the UST crowd outnumbered us and outcheered us. Both are true.

I cannot speak for all but this is what happened to my friend and me. We had to endure the hot afternoon sun just to get the bleacher tickets, then wait three hours inside the venue, just to get the best free seating seats available. No lunch. Hey, at my age and physical condition, you will understand the ordeal.

What is my point? It is this. We can come back!!!! We will come back!!!! But WE HAVE TO COME BACK!!!!!!!

Really.?Are we really truly supporters of this team? Or just praise when we win and bash when we lose?

We have to watch live, outnumber and outcheer our opponents. Instead of bashing the team and the referees, watching from a tv screen, eating junk, then bash, ENDURE the hot sun in the long lines. UST did that!!!! SO MUST WE!!!!! That is the start!!!!

When the team sees that support, coupled with the hardships that they endured during the two game skid, the officiating frustrations, and the bashing, what do you think those girls will do? THEY WILL PERFORM BEYOND THEIR AND OUR EXPECTATIONS!!! Nothing motivates a person more than proving detractors wrong.

James Harden ended it well. All we ask is fairness and equality. We can live with the results afterwards.

