Refuse to Lose. The Battle is On

If there was such a thing as a satisfying loss this season, this would probably be it.

This time around, there was no feeling each other out. No birth pains of a new team. No chemistry problems. None of that.

Roles were defined. Strategies were formulated and executed. Coaches and players were on the same page. And the most important thing that I saw in this game, is the HEART. The ATTITUDE. The fighting mantra was REFUSE TO LOSE.

We have a basketball team!!! A basketball team that can compete. And the players now understand two things. That they can fight back. And that they can still win it all!!!!

Not that we expected to always lose to Ateneo this season. Heck they’re the favorites. They’re the defending champions. They have all the experienced players. And they have a brilliant coach. They are Goliath. The rest of the league are Davids.

Hahahaha. POPPYCOCK.

In truth, that game was just another gauge. The same gauge used as the first game. And the results are eons apart. In game one, we didn’t have a chance. In this game, it took their A plus game to beat us.

Guys, we are now very persistent. We are stingy. We are fight personified. Personified in this game by Encho Serrano. I mean hobbled by a recovering sprained ankle and all, did you see how he gutted it out? How he took a rebound in the apex against Kouame? Eight rebounds in all? “That’s guts” commented a TV announcer. Also scored in bunches for us as a sidelight too. Fought two quarters for us, specially the second when they were threatening to blow us away. He battled!!!!

The rest of the players fought as well. Hey I am never hearing negatives anymore about Brandon Bates. He rebounded. He pushed bodies around. He changed some shots. He battled!!!!

Joaqui Manuel is beginning to feel that his shot is now guided by the arm of his brother Jett. He is lighter now and more agile. He battled!!!!

The two A’s Andrei and Aljun. They did their thing didn’t they? They battled!!!!!

Balti Baltazar took on Kouame head on and despite this, scored and rebounded well. Not a monster game considering his last game’s performance. But he battled!!!!!

Jamie Malonzo, now understands what he is to the team. A thoroughbred. Defended Ravena. Slashed. Made three point shots. Rebounded. Hell, he BATTLED!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, the battle is ON. And listen to the fun sidelights!!!! My gosh!!!!!

One supporter of another school is asking how many championships does Ateneo need. An Ateneo player claiming that this was his last La Salle-Ateneo game, and we can never get back at him. “Matalo lang sa lahat, hwag lang sa La Salle”. And a resident troll claiming that “larong takot tayo” then taking his comment down. Natakot? Kanino kaya? Hahahaha.

My GOODNESS!!!! One is giving up, another is counting us out, and the last one still doesn’t believe. MOOKS!!!!!

It’s STILL a long way to go guys. We still have to go through teams like UE, FEU, UST, Adamson and most importantly UP. And believe it or not, No. 2 is still possible.

Guys, if we believe these negatives, these barriers, these naysayers, these arrogant fools, then let’s stop our competition right now. No point right?

WRONG!!!!!!! I’d rather believe in our team. Those who spend. Those who manage the team. Those who strategize and coach. And most importantly our kids. Our players. Those that do battle for us.

What did the great Michael Jordan say in one of his commercials? “Several times I’ve been entrusted to take the game winning shot and I missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again….and that is why I succeed”.

Hahahaha. The fun has just started guys. And oh……LETS BATTLE!!!!!!

Animo La Salle!!!!’
