Despite La Salle’s early struggles, it’s still all good

Last Wednesday against NU, the Green Archers squandered a pretty comfortable lead and almost lost the game sans that beautiful jumper by Kurt Lojera at the baseline. Disaster was averted. But little did we know disaster would strike back.

Right from the get go there seems to be lack of effort from the Green and White as the 50-50 loose balls were going the other team’s way. Worse was UE making their shots, which were mostly wide open in the first half.

As hoped and expected our boys fought back, and at the end Melecio gave us our go ahead basket, only to be foiled at the last second by Suerte.

Now I’m sure there will be fans that are starting to panic, and I’ve already seen people starting to clamor for “change”. Some are saying that the coach has yet to adapt to the local basketball, some are saying we’re experimenting too much. Some say the headbands are bad luck.

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They may hold some truth, but as mentioned many times before: Rome was not built in one day. Everything takes time, from the cohesiveness of our team, to the on-court individual performances of our players. We’re only 3 games into the season, and we have plenty of time to correct our errors and weaknesses. Even our past championship teams in 2007 and 2013 experienced early struggles before getting their act together as the season went on.

So before we ask for another coaching change, let’s be what we should be: loyal fans and supporters. We’re not short of talent this year, but some of us are always short of patience.
